Light Railways
Nos 201 to 225
June 2008 to June 2012
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No. 225 June 2012:
- The new improved Meyer – a sorry saga (Tasmania)
- Wright's Folly - The Falls Creek granite quarry and its tramway (Victoria)
- Sandstone Galah, March–April (South Africa)
- Petrie and Eudlo Flats (Queensland)
- Industrial Railway News (9 items from around Australia, and Fiji)
- Book Review: Sawdust and Steam – a history of sawmilling in the east Otway Ranges 1850–2010
- Letters: Strahan jetty tramway (LR223); Cane railway bridge, Maroochy River; The past becomes the present: wooden rails and pipeline dreams (LR213); Great Cobar locomotives (LR224); Ballaarat (LR224)
- Research: Fifth International Early Railway Conference, Caernafon, Wales; SMR line to Stanford Merthyr, NSW; Railway Cranes in Australia; Thomas Parker locomotives; Crotty expedition, Tasmania.
- Heritage & Tourist Railway News (15 news items and Coming Events)
No. 224 April 2012:
- Ballaarat - its story (Western Australia, Victoria)
- El Arish days (Tully sugar mill, Queensland)
- F&M Baldwin Engineering 1993-2004 (New South Wales, Queensland)
- Industrial Railway News (13 items from around Australia, and Fiji)
- Letters: The past becomes the present: wooden rails and pipeline dreams (LR213); The LRRSA email discussion group; Miller & Co. (Machinery) Pty Ltd (LR222); Pemberton Tramway Company (LR222); Preservation (LR222); Saving the horses (LR223); Very early rail (LR221); Great Cobar locomotives (LR146) and Tom Thumb (LR158 and 223)
- LRRSA 'Headstones, Zigzags & Moore' Tour report
- Research: The research column; AIF Railway Operating Companies on the Western Front, 1916-18; British Tasmanian Charcoal Iron Company, Redbill Point.
- Heritage & Tourist Railway News (18 news items and Coming Events)
No. 223 February 2012:
- The Silent Grove tramway (Racecourse Mill, Queensland)
- Saving the horses: Adventures with battery locomotives (New South Wales)
- A peculiar incident at Bulli Colliery (New South Wales)
- The past becomes the present: wooden rails and pipe dreams (Lake Margaret, Tasmania)
- Industrial Railway News (9 items from around Australia, Fiji and Indonesia)
- DVD Review: The 2011 Sandstone Steam Galah
- Letters: Questions of Identity - The Southport-Burleigh road construction tramway (LF213) - Tully Mill Fowlers; Locomotive Innisfail (LR222): The locomotive 'Tom Thumb' (LR 158)
- Research: Export of Heritage Locomotives from Australia; Red Head (Glenrock) Railway (Newcastle, NSW); Maroochy Shire Council Tramways: Mapleton and Buderim (Qld); Pioneer Australian Light Railways; Railway Cranes in Australia; Assistance with Photos (Strahan, Tas; Erica Vic)
- Heritage & Tourist Railway News (20 news items and Coming Events)
No. 222 December 2011:
- Fyansford Cement Works Railway - Recalled in photographs (Victoria)
- Mine Technik Australia Pty Ltd rail business 1995-1998 (New South Wales)
- Innisfail, north Queensland, 1957
- Industrial Railway News (20 items from around Australia and Fiji)
- Letters: Miller and Co. (Machinery) Pty Ltd (LR153); Tourist & Heritage - WALRPA (LR221); The El Arish Loop (LR221); Stranger in Paradise: an EM Baldwin locomotive in Indonesia (LR221); The Wootton-Mayers Point Tramway (LR213); Redlynch rail system (LR221).
- Research: Buderim Tramway, Qld; Maritime slipways, a type of light railways; Beech Creek trestle bridge, Rubicon Historic Area, Vic.; Bundaberg Foundry Locomotives
- Heritage & Tourist Railway News (19 news items and Coming Events)
No. 221 October 2011:
- The El Arish loop (Tully sugar mill, Queensland)
- A Tale of Two Cities - light railways and marine salvage (New South Wales)
- Stangers in Paradise, an EM Baldwin locomotive in Indonesia
- Beneath the Silver City: A long drive from Browne to No.7 - Part two (Broken Hill, New South Wales)
- Industrial Railway News (17 items from around Australia and Irian Jaya)
- Obituary - Mark Plummer
- Letters: Perrone (LR220); Beneath the Silver City (LR220), Iluka Breakwater Construction Railway, NSW (LR181).
- LRRSA 50th Anniversary Celebrations: 2011 National Conference; Anniversary Dinner
- Research: AA Company fish-bellied rail, Newcastle NSW (LR197); Mount McIntyre logging tramway, SA; Great Cobar locomotive, NSW (LR146).
- Heritage & Tourist Railway News (20 news items and Coming Events)
No. 220 August 2011:
- The Manning River breakwater railway: Part 2 - The NSW Public Works Department (1900-1927) (New South Wales)
- Beneath the Silver City: A long drive from Browne to No.7 (Broken Hill, New South Wales)
- Industrial Railway News (15 items from around Australia and Fiji)
- Book Review: Winning the Coal: Coal Miners' Stories from the Rosewood Scrub
- Letters: Missing in action - Malcolm Moore Ford V8 locomotives (LR219); Portland Cement locomotives (LR210).
- Obituary: George Bond
- Research: LRRSA Research Charter; Green Cape Lighthouse, NSW; Ilfracombe Iron Company, Blyth Creek, Tas.
- Beech Forest to Crowes railway centenary
- Heritage & Tourist Railway News (15 news items and Coming Events)
No. 219 June 2011:
- The Manning River breakwater railway: Part 1 - The Private Contractor Years (1895-1900) (New South Wales)
- Bill Scott's Goondi Mill locomotive characters (Queensland)
- Missing in action - Malcolm Moore Ford V8 locomotives (China)
- Industrial Railway News (12 items from around Australia and Fiji)
- Book Review: Hunslet 1215 - A War Veteran's Story
- Research: LRRSA Research Charter; Colortone Brickworks, Frankston, Vic.; The Ida Bay limestone quarries and tramways, Tas.
- Heritage & Tourist Railway News (16 news items and Coming Events)
The leading article describes a standard gauge railway used in a major breakwater construction project at Harrington on the NSW mid-north coast. It is supported by some excellent maps and photographs.
No. 219 June 2011 Members' Supplement:
LRRSA Fiftieth Anniversary 1961-2011
It provides an historical account of the Society's development, and expansion. It also provides a chronology of the key events in each year with a corresponding photograph from that year. |
Soft cover, 32 pages, A4 size, 64 photographs (49 in colour). Price $A9.00 plus postage. (Weight: 160 gm) |

No. 218 April 2011:
- Passing Trains: South Maitland Railways Limited East Greta Station 1928 (New South Wales)
- The Trevallyn hydro-electric scheme (Tasmania)
- Mulgrave Mill (Queensland)
- The narrow gauge light railway at the Bantry Bay Explosives Magazine (New South Wales)
- Industrial Railway News (18 items from around Australia and Fiji)
- Heritage & Tourist Railway News (15 news items and Coming Events)
No. 217 February 2011:
- The Locomotive Pioneer (Western Australia)
- The Craven Forest Railway (New South Wales)
- Westfalia Becorit Pty Ltd - Mining Business 1991-1995 (New South Wales)
- Industrial Railway News (16 items from around Australia)
- Book Reviews: Australian Railway Heritage Guide - 2010 Edition; The Buderim - Palmwoods Tramway
- Obituary: Ray Graf
- Letters: Zoo trains (LR155, 182, 183, 184, 185); Mt.Lyell 7-1/2 ton 610mm gauge Krauss 0-4-0 tank locomotive (LR 153)
- Research: LRRSA researchers and the internet; LRRSA Iron, Whiskey and Wombats Tour Report.
- Heritage & Tourist Railway News (15 news items and Coming Events)
No. 216 December 2010:
- Hansen linecars and their offshoots
- Tramways on Mount Wellington (Tasmania)
- New rolling stock for the Kerrisdale Mountain Railway (Victoria)
- Letters: Walhalla Railway Centenary (LR214); The Waranga Railway; Edithburgh Tramway (LR214 & 215); Treasury Place tramways (LRN75); Ida Bay Railway wagon brakes.
- Industrial Railway News (16 items from around Australia, and Fiji)
- Book Review: Comeng: A History of Comonwealth Engineering Volume 3: 1966-1977
- Obituaries: Ella M Hennell; Arnold Lockyer OAM and Dorelle Lockyer
- Research: Former Cheetham Saltworks, Laverton Victoria; American Sawmills, Chatsworth Island NSW; Avonside No.1481 - East Greta Coal Mining Co.
- Heritage & Tourist Railway News (15 news items and Coming Events)
No. 215 October 2010:
- The last train from Royston, the recovery and rescue of Malcolm Moore 26C/4 (Victoria)
- The Wootton-Mayers Point Tramway — Part Three (New South Wales)
- Wee Georgie Wood (Tasmania)
- Industrial Railway News (22 items from around Australia, Fiji, and Nauru)
- Letters: Australian Timber Tramways in Britain 1939-1945 (LR 212); Walhalla Railway Centenary (LR 214); The tramways that served Edithburgh (LR 214)
- Research: Trove at the NLA; The LRRSA S Creek and Black Range Tour
- Heritage & Tourist Railway News (14 news items and Coming Events)
This issue includes the final part on the detailed history of the Wootton-Mayers Point timber tramway which used two A class Climax locomotives, and several other less suitable steam locomotives. It also includes a wonderful insight into the last months of operation of Tasmania's Tullah tramway.
No. 214 August 2010:
- Walhalla centenary (Victoria)
- The tramways that served Edithburgh (South Australia)
- The Hillend Colliery tramroad, Cessnock (New South Wales)
- Lakes Creek Meatworks tramway, Rockhampton (Queensland)
- Lure of the narrow gauge railway to Walhalla (Victoria)
- Letters: Spray Tunnel at Zeehan (LR 213); Exhibition Building tramways, Melbourne (LR 212); Puffing Billy's 861— the former John Benn (LR 213); The Wootton—Mayers Point Tramway (LR 211); Steam locomotives on Victorian timber tramways (LR 212)
- Book Reviews: Clydes among the Cane: Fiji's sugar railway on Viti Levu
- Research: NLA On-line research tools; LRRSA 50th Anniversary; Willoughby Incinerator
- Industrial Railway News (16 items from around Australia)
- Heritage & Tourist Railway News (10 news items and Coming Events)
No. 213 June 2010:
- The Wootton-Mayers Point Tramway - Part Two (New South Wales)
- The Southport – Burleigh road construction tramway (Queensland)
- A bit of gardening — Further reminiscences of the closing days of the Beech Forest line (Victoria)
- Letters: Exhibition building tramways, Melbourne (LR 212); North East Dundas Tramway rolling stock (LR 212); Tall Timber and Tramlines in Queensland
- Research: Railways of Ocean Island and Nauru; Border Loop timber tramways NSW; A mobile light railway!; Derby Harbour Tramway (LR 57); Wangaratta — Whitfield railway (LR 147)
- Industrial Railway News (9 items from around Australia, and Fiji)
- Book Reviews: Sydney's Forgotten Industrial Railways
- Heritage & Tourist Railway News (19 news items and Coming Events)
A fascinating lead article with an excellent range of photographs and maps, along with two good supporting articles. Includes pictures of an A class Climax locomotive in distress, and a most unusual little Hunslet locomotive.
No. 212 April 2010:
- Steam locomotives on Victorian timber tramways - Part 3
- Bulong’s battery – boom to bust (Western Australia)
- Westfalia Baldwin (New South Wales)
- Australian timber tramways in Britain: 1939-1945
- Industrial Railway News (15 items from around Australia, and Fiji)
- Book Reviews: Tall Timber & Tramlines Queensland
- Letters: Hen and Chicken Mine (LR 210); Date of reopening Belgrave-Menzies Creek line (LR 210); The Neilson Twins (LR 208);
- Obituary: Frank Baldwin (1916–2009)
- Research: Target trolleys and photo captions, Vic. (LR 211); North East Dundas Tramway rolling stock (LR 128, 196); Exhibition Buildings tramways, Melbourne, Vic.,
- Heritage & Tourist Railway News (9 news items and Coming Events)
No. 211 February 2010:
- The Wootton-Mayers Point Tramway (New South Wales)
- Concreting Woronora Dam (New South Wales)
- A modern narrow gauge construction railway: the Bogong Power development (Victoria)
- Old wheelsets and their stories (Tasmania)
- Industrial Railway News (19 items from around Australia, Fiji and Papua New Guinea)
- Book Reviews: The Burning Mists of Time: A Technological and Social History of Mining at Katoomba
- Letters: Glenrock Railway (LR 200, 201, 208, 209, 210); Dewatering truck (LR 210); Steam Locomotives on Victorian timber tramways - part 2 (LR 210).
- Research: Target Trolleys, Vic.; NLA Australian Newspapers Digitisation Program; LRRSA Post-fire heritage survey, Vic. (LR 208); LRRSA Thompson and Tyers Tour, Vic. (LR 79)
- Heritage & Tourist Railway News (15 news items and Coming Events)
- Australian Narrow Gauge Railway Museum Society
– the first 30 years!!
A very interesting issue, especially if you are interested in timber tramways - of northern New South Wales and southern Tasmania!
No. 210 December 2009:
- Running Tom Howley's trains — The Glenrock Colliery railway (New South Wales)
- The tramways of Thursday Island (Queensland)
- Steam locomotives on Victorian timber tramways - Part 2
- Industrial Railway News (21 items from around Australia, and Fiji)
- Letters: A locomotive named Newcastle (LR 201); Light railways of the Gallipoli campaign (LR 206)
- Book Reviews: Stand together: the story of cane grower representation at Mackay; Lithgow State Coal Mine: a pictorial history
- Research: British War Department Hunslet 4-6-0T, Apedale, UK; Tyldesley Colliery history, NSW; Hen & Chicken Mine, Silverton NSW; Monte Christo Mine, Bingara NSW; Jeff Davis gold mine, Crooked River, Vic.
- Heritage & Tourist Railway News (14 news items and Coming Events)
No. 209 October 2009:
- J & A Brown's Railway Operating Division (ROD) locomotive No.23 (New South Wales)
- Steam in the Archives Part II — Boiler records for mining locomotives in Victoria 1929 — 1947
- Tom Howley's Coffeepots — The Glenrock Colliery Locomotives (New South Wales)
- Industrial Railway News (13 items from around Australia, and Fiji)
- Letters: Missing R&H locomotives, Vic. (LR207); Malcolm Moore V8 locomotives (LR186, LR194)
- Book Reviews:Elrington, The 'Peter Pan Colliery' 1927-1962
- Research: Yorkshire Engine Company in Australia; Australian newspapers on the National Library website (LR204); Tarrawingee tramway (LR32, LR80).
- Heritage & Tourist Railway News (15 news items and Coming Events)
Includes a very interesting report on a visit to the site of the 2ft gauge tramways at Tarrawingee, north of Broken Hill which served about twelve limestone quarries in the late nineteenth century.
No. 208 August 2009:
- Steam locomotives on Victorian timber tramways [Part 1]
- The Neilson Twins — The locomotives of the Newcastle Coal and Copper Company (New South Wales)
- Industrial Railway News (20 items from around Australia, and Fiji)
- Book Reviews:The Anatomy of a Garratt; The Goondah — Burrinjuck Railway
- Letters: Deutz locomotives at Queenstown (LR201, 202, 205, 206 & 207); Days tractor at Marysville
- Research: Bullengarook sawmill; LRRSA Gold & Hydro Tour; Post-fire heritage survey; Lyre birds and bush tramways.
- Heritage & Tourist Railway News (15 news items and Coming Events)
No. 207 June 2009:
- The titanium tramway
at Cudgen (New South Wales) - The standard gauge Victorians go west (Victoria, Western Australia)
- Restoration of former St Helena
Island tramway carriages at the
Kerrisdale Mountain Railway (Queensland, Victoria) - The Granville Tram (Tasmania)
- Industrial Railway News (20 items from around Australia, and Fiji)
- Book Reviews:A Tale of Many Railways: An Autobiography and History of Alan Keef Ltd
- LRRSA at the Australian Narrow Gauge Convention
- Letters - Little Yarra (LR200, LR206); Deutz locomotives at Queenstown (LR201, 202, 205 & 206); Electric locomotives at Mount Morgan (LR 99 & 205); The last years of the Beaconsfield
Tramway (LR 206); Malden Island – Sails upon the rails
(LR 205); The two super feet; Childers number 4: A brief history of
Fowler 16830 (LR 204 & 206) - Research: LRRSA post fire field survey, Vic.; Wallarah Colliery winding engine, NZ/NSW (LR 174); Australian lighthouse tramways, Qld/Vic.; Missing locomotive, Vic.
- Heritage & Tourist Railway News (14 news items and Coming Events)
No. 206 April 2009:
- The Australian light railways of the Gallipoli campaign (Turkey)
- Childers number 4: A brief history of Fowler 16830, Part 2 (New South Wales)
- Western Australian pioneer logging locomotives
- Industrial Railway News (16 items from around Australia, and Fiji)
- Book Reviews: A guide to Australian locomotion 2009 edition; Bagnalls of Stafford: Builders of Locomotives for the Worlds's Railwaysd; The Early Years of the Motor Rail & Tram Car Company 1911-1931
- Letters - Little Yarra (LR200); Deutz locomotives at Queenstown (LR201, 202 & 205); Dravo Australia (LRN 26)
- Obituary - Dorothy Macdonald
- Research: Kinglake and Flowerdale, Vic.; Wyett's Beaconsfield Tramway, Tas.
- Heritage & Tourist Railway News (15 news items and Coming Events)
A very interesting mix of articles in this issue. The second article includes much background information on the Condong sugar mill's tramways in northern New South Wales.
The Heritage & Tourist section includes a review of the effects of recent bushfires on Victorian preserved light railways.
No. 205 February 2009:
- Silica tramways on the NSW far south coast (New South Wales)
- Malden Island - Sails upon the Rails (Pacific Ocean)
- Industrial Railway News (17 items from around Australia, and Fiji)
- Book Reviews: Copper at the 'Curry; Shays, Crabs and Phosphate.
- Letters - PFA's Darling Harbour car float (LR203); Deutz locomotives at Queenstown (LR201 & 202); Electric locomotives at Mount Morgan (LR99); National Library of Australia - newspaper digitisation (LR204).
- Heritage & Tourist Railway News (13 news items and Coming Events)
The lead article describes a 2 ft gauge tramway which used two internal combustion locomotives and a Krauss 0-4-0WT. In places the tramway almost resembled a timber tramway in terms of construction and scenery.
The second article describes an extraordinary tramway built by an Australian company in an extraordinary location to the north-north-east of the Cook Islands, and south of the equator. And it used an extraordinary source of motive-power!
No. 204 December 2008:
- Childers number 4: A brief history of Fowler 16830, Part 1 (Queensland)
- Whiteman Brickworks Tramways (Western Australia)
- Industrial Railway News (14 items from around Australia, New Zealand and Fiji)
- Letters - Krauss locomotives in Australia (LR153); Aveling & Porter Locomotives (LR 146, 147, 148, 149, 150); The Charters Towers Water Board Tramway (LR 173, 177); Mount Bischoff; Burrinjuck Dam rail tractor; Living without Thomas (LR 203); Tommy's Gully Timber Tramway (LR 127); Wittenoom diesel locomotive (LR 200).
- Research - National Library of Australia newspaper digitisation; Hynde family photograph collection
- Heritage & Tourist Railway News (19 news items and Coming Events)
The well-illustrated lead article describes an historically significant Fowler six-coupled locomotive of unusual appearance which worked on sugar tramways at Childers, Queensland, and later in northern New South Wales. Apart from technical details of the locomotive, it also includes much background material on Childers sugar mill, which was one of the earliest big sugar mills to close - in 1932.
No. 203 October 2008:
- Longworth's (Laurieton) Ltd - timber tramway (New South Wales)
- A "Going Concern"?: Perth's Sanitation Tramways (Western Australia)
- A Time of Fire - Hunter Valley standard gauge coal mining railway (New South Wales)
- Steamy Java 2008 - sugar mill tramways,(Indonesia)
- Industrial Railway News (19 items from around Australia and Fiji)
- Book Review: The Railway Products of Baguley-Drewry Ltd and its Predecessors; Comeng: A History of Commonwealth Engineering, Volume 2, 1955-1966
- Letters - Mining Railways of Cobar (LR183); The restoration of Hunter Valley district non-air hopper wagons (LR202); The Red Shoes missile tramway, Woomera (LR199); Standard gauge industrial sidings in Sydney (LR202); Light Railways magazine.
- LRRSA - Its future
- Heritage & Tourist Railway News (11 news items and Coming Events)
Includes a very impressive three-page photo feature on steam locomotives serving sugar mills in Java.
No. 202 August 2008:
- The restoration of Hunter Valley district non-air hopper wagons (New South Wales)
- Standard gauge industrial sidings in Sydney: Lower North Shore (New South Wales)
- From the Archives: Com-Eng 0-6-0DM B1719 (Queensland)
- The Beechworth Golden Pioneer Railway (Victoria)
- Industrial Railway News (27 items from around Australia, and Fiji)
- DVD Review: The Story of Invicta
- Letters - Deutz locomotives at Queenstown (LR201); Dyckerhoff locomotives in Australia (LR184).
- Research - Researching railway patents; Mount Lyell Mining & Railway Co. in 1896; Perth Zoo Train; Tramming at sugar mills.
- Heritage & Tourist Railway News (16 news items and Coming Events)
No. 201 June 2008:
- Railways of the Abington district (Queensland)
- A locomotive curiosity (Victoria)
- A locomotive named Newcastle (New South Wales)
- Continental charm - Feldbahnlokomotiven (Tasmania, Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland)
- Industrial Railway News (22 items from around Australia, and Fiji)
- Book Reviews: Rails through the Bush: Timber and Firewood Tramways and Railway Contractors of Western Australia
- DVD Reviews: Shibanxi Heaven
- Obituary: Lindsay Shield Whitham 1918-2008
- Letters - Reminiscing (LR200); Salisbury Munitions Factory tramway (LR198); Malden Island Tramway (LR199); A locomotive named Burwood (LR200); Little Yarra (LR200).
- Research - New timber tramway book, WA; South Australian Light & Industrial Railway database; LRRSA Timber, Copper, Lime & Gold Tour, November 2006.
- Heritage & Tourist Railway News (15 news items and Coming Events)
A very varied issue which should have something to interest all tastes - with a magnificent front cover illustration, a descriptive article on a series of sugar railway branch lines north of Bundaberg, a highly sophisticated steam locomotive used in a swamp, an 0-4-2T locomotive which was the centre of a custody dispute; and small German diesel locomotives in Australia. |