Light Railways
Nos 51 to 75
Autumn 1975 to January 1982
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75 January 1982:
- Victoria's pioneer sawmill and timber tramway
- Making the film Tall Timbers (New South Wales)
- Early tramways of the Drouin, Warragul, and Nilma districts (Victoria)
- Photo section - timber tramways including A and B class Climax, and Shay locos (New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania)
- Letters
Special issue featuring Australian timber tramways.
74 October 1981:
- Baldwin locomotive No.6114 - standard gauge 0-4-0ST (New South Wales)
- Bootless Bay Revisited (Papua New Guinea)
- Coffs Harbour Discoveries (New South Wales)
- Wungong tunnel railways (Western Australia)
- Book reviews
- Letters
73 July 1981:
- Geelong Harbor Trust tramways (Victoria)
- An introduction to the timber tramways of Western Australia
- Carson's timber operations in the Olney State Forest (New South Wales)
- Book reviews
- Letters
A special timber tramways issue, with timber tramways from three
72 April 1981:
- Basalt Quarries Ltd, Woy Woy (New South Wales)
- The last working on the Irvinebank and Stannary Hills tramway (Queensland)
- An Australian diesel mine locomotive (Victoria/New South Wales)
- Letters
71 January 1981:
- Perry electric locomotives (South Australia)
- The rise and fall of the North Perth sanitation tramway (Western Australia)
- The tramways of the Delatite River valley (Victoria)
- The Walkerville limestone jetty tram (Victoria)
- Letters
70 October 1980:
- The Great Victoria Colliery Ltd (Victoria)
- Nattrass rail tractors in Victoria
- Mayers Point timber tramway (New South Wales)
- Letters
No. 69 July
- Some early Australian diesel locomotives (New South Wales)
- John Fowler 20277 (Queensland)
- Marsden Museum of Historic Engines - Goulburn steam museum (New South Wales)
- Mosa oil palm mill - West New Britain (Papua New Guinea)
- Book Review
- Letters
68 April 1980:
- Britannia Creek (Victoria)
The same subject is covered in more depth in the book Britannia Creek, by Arthur Winzenreid, published by APW Productions in 1986. The book is out of print, but may be available on the second hand market. |
67 January 1980:
- Wooden rails to Kinglake and Flowerdale: Timber tramways of Whittlesea (Victoria), by Ralf Alger
This is a special issue dealing exclusively with a 3 ft gauge wooden-railed horse-hauled timber tramway which operated from Whittlesea railway station (28 miles north of Melbourne). The tramway ran mostly along the Yea Road to Flowerdale and Kinglake, and had many branches. It operated from 1912 to 1926. The article includes detailed maps, many photographs, and very well written text - including a day in the life of a driver. |
66 October 1979:
- Australian Sugar Tramways - the challenge of the 1980s (Queensland/New South Wales)
A special issue providing an overview of Australia's sugar tramways.
65 July 1979:
- The saga of Sandfly and the lost tribe (Northern Territory/South Australia/Tasmania/Victoria/Western Australia)
A special issue describing Baldwin 4-10-1/2C class 3 ft 6 in
gauge 0-4-0ST locomotives in Australia.
64 April 1979:
- Notes on some jetty tramways (South Australia)
- Lever's tramway (New South Wales)
- Hartley Vale shale tramway (New South Wales)
- A trio of Devenports (New South Wales)
- The Evans Head Express (New South Wales)
- An unusual vertical boilered loco (Tasmania ?)
- Givelda - bogie diesel-hydraulic locomotive (Queensland)
- Timber topics (Tasmania, Victoria)
- Letters
63 January 1979:
- A trio of Davenports (New South Wales)
- Levers timber tramway, Long Creek (New South Wales)
- "Chert" incline - Mount Victoria (New South Wales)
- Two 1886 Kimberley tramway proposals (Western Australia)
- Letters
No. 62 October 1978:
No. 61 July 1978:
A special issue recording the history of an interesting 2 ft 6 in gauge timber tramway which used two A class Shay locomotives. Includes 14 photographs, some of which are historic gems, five maps and diagrams, and a scale drawing of Lima Shay locomotive, builder's number 2097. |
60 April 1978:
- The Corrimal Colliery Railway (New South Wales)
A special 44 page issue dealing with the 2 ft and standard gauge railways serving the Corrimal Colliery. Includes scale drawings of four 2 ft gauge steam locos, eight other diagrams and maps, and 37 photographs. |
59 January 1978:
- Tramways of the Tivoli Coalfield (Queensland)
- Wyndham coastal tramway (Western Australia)
- Tramways of the Belmont District (Western Australia)
- Letters
- News, Notes & Comments
58 October 1977:
- Locomotives of Wallaroo and Moonta (South Australia)
- References, another opinion
57 Spring 1976:
- Derby coastal tramway (Western Australia)
- Pettigrew's Tin Can Bay Tramway (Queensland)
- More on Roebourne (Western Australia)
- Tasmanian Discoveries - from steam locomotive boiler records
- News Notes & Comments
- Letters - Lahey's Canungra Tramway
- References, another opinion
56 Winter 1976:
- Broome coastal tramway (Western Australia)
- Perry Locomotive No.6634 (South Australia/Queensland)
- More on Carnarvon (Western Australia)
- Horses with headlights - Ballarat mining tramways (Victoria)
- The Mill at Mungarr (Queensland)
- News, Notes & Comments
- Letters
55 Autumn 1976:
- Port Hedland jetty tramway (Western Australia)
- Tanybryn (timber) Tramway (Victoria)
- More on Cootharaba (Queensland)
- News, Notes & Comments
54 Summer 1975-76:
- Lahey's Canungra Tramway (Queensland)
A special issue describing Queensland's best known timber tramway.
Note: This issue was replaced by the book Laheys' Canungra Tramway (also now out of print, but may be found on the secondhand market)
53 Spring 1975:
- Tramways of Woods Point District, 1863-68 (Victoria)
- Square Pegs in Round Holes - The Bruny Island Tramway (Tasmania)
- News, Notes & Comments
- Letters
52 Winter 1975:
- The Wielangta and Blackman Bay Tramways (Tasmania)
- Roebourne coastal tramway (Western Australia)
- The Mount Ellison Tramways (Northern Territory)
- The Cootharaba Tramway (Queensland)
- News, Notes & Comments
- Letters
- Book Review
51 Autumn 1975:
- The Misima Island Railway (Papua New Guinea)
- Onslow coastal tramway (Western Australia)
- The Cosmopolitan Gold Mining Company Tramway (Northern Territory)
- The Maranboy Tin Mines Tramway (Northern Territory)
- News, Notes & Comments
- Letters