Light Railways
Nos 101 to 125
July 1988 to July 1994
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125 July 1994:
- Prospect Reservoir Tramways (New South Wales)
- Locomotives of Sanderson's Tramway, Forrest (Victoria)
- Mining Tramways at Oodlawirra and Koolka (South Australia)
- Mining Tramway at Mount Ellison (Northern Territory)
- Explorations of Victorian Private Lines and Locomotives 1934-1935
- Letters
124 April 1994:
- The Goodwood Timber and Tramway Company, Port Albert (Victoria)
A detailed history based on archival research, site surveys,
and interviews. Includes 20 historic photographs, five maps and diagrams,
and list of 142 references. This operation included a 23 mile 2 ft gauge
steam operated tramway.
123 January 1994:
- Fairymead No.1 - Baldwin No.10533 of 1889 (Queensland)
- Fairymead Gallery (Queensland)
- Somerset Dam Construction (Queensland)
- 'Leyland Brothers World' Tourist Railway (New South Wales)
- Letters
122 October 1993:
- Glen Davis Oil Shale Works, Part 2 (New South Wales)
- Powelltown Tramway Timetable (Victoria)
- Decauville Locomotive 399 (Queensland)
- Denton Park Loco (Andrew Barclay 310/311) (New South Wales/Victoria)
- Explorations of Victorian Private Lines and Locomotives 1934-1935
- Letters
121 July 1993:
- Glen Davis Oil Shale Works (New South Wales)
A special issue recording the political, social, and tramway
history of the Glen Davis oil shale works, which refined petroleum products
from oil shale from 1940 to 1952.
120 April 1993:
- Neuline Timber Mill at Tanjil Bren (Victoria)
- The Fyansford Cement Railway (Victoria)
- Cheetham Salt Tramways at Price (South Australia)
- City Tunnel Construction Railway (New South Wales)
- Book Review
- Letters
- The Bush Tramline (Victoria)
119 January 1993:
- Locomotive "Stanley" (Victoria, Tasmania)
- Maud's Landing Tramway (Western Australia)
- Constructing Sydney's Pressure Tunnel (New South Wales)
- Book Reviews
- Letters
118 October 1992:
- Coal to Feed the Fires, West Ryde Pumping Station (New South Wales)
- Cheetham Salt Tramways at Lochiel (South Australia)
- Letters
117 July 1993:
- Kangaroo Island Salt Tramways (South Australia)
116 April 1992:
- Kirchubel's West Tanjil Sawmill and Tramway (Victoria)
- The Kitson Tram Engine (South Australia, New South Wales, Western Australia)
- Letters
No. 115
January 1992:
- Cheetham Salt Tramways, Part 2 (South Australia)
- Wensleydale - Aireys Inlet Tramway Proposal (Victoria)
- Book Reviews
- Letters
114 October 1991:
- Ben Bullen Limestone Tramways (New South Wales)
- The Cheney Spark Nullifier (Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia)
- Research Column
- Letters
No. 113
July 1991:
- Simsville and the Jarrah Mill: (New South Wales)
A special issue by Ian J. Mc.Neil dealing exclusively with timber
tramways in the Simmsville area, including "The Millars Era", "Pines and
Hardwoods", "Stroud Timber Company Ltd", "Smith & Ellis Ltd", and "Allen
Taylor & Co.".
112 April 1991:
- Cheetham Salt Tramways, (Victoria)
- The Loxton Farming Company Monorail and Light Railway, Taldra (South Australia)
- Monorail Transporters of the Sydney Water Board (New South Wales)
- Longworths Tramway, Kendall (New South Wales)
- Letters
No. 111
January 1991:
- Cave Hill Tramway - Lilydale - Mount Evelyn (Victoria)
- Tonalli River Incline (New South Wales)
- Goldfields Woodlines (Western Australia)
- Letters
No. 110
October 1990:
- Queensland Guano Tramways
- Marienberg Sawmill and Tramway (Papua New Guinea)
- Ropeworked Elevated Inclines (New South Wales)
- Krauss Locomotive The Nancy
- Letters
No. 109
July 1990:
- North Mount Lyell Railway, Part 3 - Locomotives and Rolling Stock (Tasmania)
- Buderim Mountain Railway (Queensland)
- Research Column
- Book Review
- Letters
108 April 1990:
- Stockrington No.2 Colliery Trolley Wire Haulage System (New South Wales)
- The Locomotive Koumala (Queensland)
- Early Australian Electric Locomotives - Mount Bischoff underground locomotives (Tasmania)
- Letters
107 January 1990:
- Mill Railways at Claymore and Dellerton (Western Australia)
- Bagnall Locomotive No. 1801 (Victoria, South Australia)
- From the Archives - Hartley Vale Shale Tramways (New South Wales)
- Letters
106 October 1989:
- Mossman Central Sugar Mill (Queensland)
- North Mount Lyell Railway - Part 2: Operation and Decline (Tasmania)
- Letters
105 July 1989:
- North Mount Lyell Railway, Part 1: Construction (Tasmania)
- Early Australian Electric Locomotives, Part 4: Cornwall Coal Mine (Tasmania)
- Letters
104 April 1989:
- The Mungar Timber Tramways (Queensland)
- From the Archives: Mackenzie's Fraser Island Tramway (Queensland)
- Timber and Gold Revisited (Victoria)
- Book Reviews
- Letters
103 January 1989:
- Underground Coal, Materials and Man Transportation in the Coalmines of the Northern Coalfields of New South Wales
102 October 1988:
- "Kate" and Thomas Green Locomotives in Australia
- Wongawilli Balanced Incline (New South Wales)
- Gould - Moondarra Mills and Tramways (Victoria)
- Book Review
- Letters
101 July 1988:
- Tramways and Railways in Papua New Guinea - Part 3: 1942 - Present
- Some Proposed Industrial Locomotives for Australia
- G.H. Bell & Sons Tramline, Hollands Creek, Tatong (Victoria)
- Letters