Light Railway News Nos 1 to 121 PDF Version

2,458 pages A5 size
ISBN 9780 909340 48 3
From December 1977 to December 1997 Light Railway News was published separately to Light Railways magazine. It was the Society's news magazine. Since the February 1998 issue of Light Railways all the information previously published in Light Railway News is now published in Light Railways.
Information published in Light Railway News included:
- Field reports - these are reports of visits to sites of abandoned specialised railways
- Research column - a 'help-wanted' section for those involved in historical research
- Locomotive, rolling stock & equipment manufacturers - news of items currently under construction or recently delivered
- Industrial Railway News - a state by state listing of reports from operating specialised railways, in which Queensland sugar tramways are a major feature
- Heritage and Tourist Railway News
- Meetings notices
Light Railway News.pdf Version is a 17Mb pdf file containing every issue of Light Railway News that were published.
It contains:
- Twenty years of issues of Light Railway News; Nos 1 to 121, December 1977 to December 1997
- Over 5000 individual articles or news items
- Entire text can be searched using Adobe Reader
- Individual pages or the entire document can be printed
- Page size and type face is designed for easy reading on screen and eBook readers such as the iPad.
Photographs and Maps: All of the 423 illustrations in the original printed editions have been included, and some are now in colour.