Light Railways
Nos 76 to 100
April 1982 to April 1988
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No. 100 April 1988:
- Logging Tramways of the Dorrigo Plateau (New South Wales)
Special issue, includes Glennifer Inclined Tramway, the Brooklana
Timber Company's Tramline, the Briggsvale Tramway, Briggs' Slingsby Road
Tramway, the Cascade tramways, and the Timmsvale tramway. Steam locomotives
used on these tramways included an "A" class Climax.

No. 99 January 1988:
- The Sandfly coalmine and tramway (Tasmania)
- Early Australian electric locomotives, Part III - Mount Morgan Gold Mining Co. (Queensland)
- Letters
98 October 1987:
Timber tramways of Lowden (Western Australia)
The mills and tramways of the Allambee District (Victoria)
Carson's timber operations in the Olney State Forest (New South Wales)

A special timber tramways issue, with timber tramways from three
No. 97 July 1987:
The Mortlake Gasworks Railway of the Australian Gaslight Company (New South
A chronology of railways and tramways in Papua New Guinea, Part 2: 1914-1942
Hudswell Clarke underground locomotives, Stockton Borehole Colliery (New
South Wales)
Book Reviews

No. 97 July 1987:
- The Mortlake Gasworks Railway of the Australian Gaslight Company (New South Wales)
- A chronology of railways and tramways in Papua New Guinea, Part 2: 1914-1942
- Hudswell Clarke underground locomotives, Stockton Borehole Colliery (New South Wales)
- Book Reviews
- Letters
96 April 1986:
- Tramways down the gorge: the story of Hillgrove, 1937-1987 (New South Wales)
A special issue recording the gold mining activities at Hillgrove.
95 January 1987:
- Notes on the Adelaide Timber Company Ltd, Wilga and Witchcliffe (Western Australia)
- Perry locomotive 2714/51/1 (South Australia/Queensland)
- Notes on South Australia Jetty Tramways (South Australia)
- Early Australian Electric Locomotives, Part II: Tasmania Gold Mine, Beaconsfield (Tasmania)
- Book Reviews
- Letters
94 October 1986:
- Tramways down the gorge: the story of Hillgrove, 1887-1921 (New South Wales)
A special issue recording the gold mining activities at Hillgrove
amidst spectacular scenery.
93 July 1986:
- A chronology of railways and tramways in Papua New Guinea, Part 1: 1888-1914
- The Spring Creek Sawmill, Tatong (Victoria)
- Book Review
- Letters
92 April 1986:
- 25 Years of LRRSA
- The Rocky Point Mill Tramway (Queensland)
- Photo section - sugar tramways (Queensland)
- Early Australian Electric Locomotives, Part I: Underground Electric Haulage (Victoria)
- Notes on the Great Cobar locomotives (New South Wales)
- Book Review
- Letters
91 January 1986:
- North-east Dundas Tramway - a 1909 description (Tasmania)
- The Tatong to Toombullup Tramline (Victoria)
- Memories of the Cudgen Tramway (News South Wales)
- Photo section
- Book reviews
- Letters: The Tasma Hardwood Company, Tasmania; The steam locomotives of Nauru and Ocean Island; Nepean Sand, NSW; Makatea Phosphate Operations, Pacific Ocean; Powelltown Shay, Victoria; Locomotives of Wallaroo and Moonta, South Australia.
- Scale drawing: John Fowler 0-4-2T Moonta Mining Co. South Australia
90 October 1985:
- Industrial archaeology in Australia
- The Selkirk Brickworks Tramway, Ballarat (Victoria)
- The West Melbourne Gasworks Tramway (Victoria)
- The Cumberland Gold mine and its tramway (Etheridge goldfield, Queensland)
- Light Railways - from the Adelaide Observer 22 May 1897
- Book review
- Letters: Moriac to Wensleydale Railway, Victoria; The Penguin Tramway, Tasmania; Powelltown, Victoria; Coffs Harbour Railways, New South Wales.
89 July 1985:
- Nepean Sand and Gravel Company Ltd (New South Wales)
88 April 1985:
- Rous Sugar Mill Tramway (New South Wales)
- The steam locomotives of Nauru and Ocean Islands
- The man who rode the Powelltown tram (Victoria)
- Book reviews
- Letters
87 January 1985:
- The Penguin Tramways (Tasmania)
- Some home-built 2 ft gauge locomotives (Queensland)
- The Oakleigh and Fern Tree Gully Steam Tramway Company (Victoria)
- Letters
86 October 1984:
- Ships and Timber: a short history of Coffs Harbour port and associated railways (New South Wales)
A special forty page issue.
85 July 1984:
- W. Richards and Sons' timber tramway, Warburton (Victoria)
- Modern colliery locomotive power (New South Wales)
- The Cooktown quarantine tramway (Queensland)
- The Laverton explosives tram (Victoria)
- Letters
84 April 1984:
- State Electricity Commission Railways, Morwell (Victoria)
A special issue in which John Buckland records the history of
the 90 cm gauge electric railways associated with the Morwell open cut
brown coal mine, and the Yallourn - Morwell connecting railway.
83 January 1984:
- Geelong miscellany - various industrial tramways (Victoria)
- Slocomb and Walker's timber tramway, Nayook West (Victoria)
- West Launceston Sewer Tramway (Tasmania)
- Black Hawthorn 0-4-2ST Western (Tasmania, Victoria)
- An unusual locomotive - Imperial petrol locomotive of c.1910 (Victoria, South Australia)
- Book reviews
- Letters
82 October 1983:
- State Electricity Commission Railways, Yallourn (Victoria)
A special issue in which John Buckland records the history of
the 90 cm gauge electric railways associated with the brown coal mines
at Yallourn, as well as the 2 ft gauge diesel, 3 ft 6 in gauge steam, and
5 ft 3 in gauge steam and diesel powered railways used at the same location.
81 July 1983:
- Memories of narrow gauge to "Barren Jack" (New South Wales)
- Tramways and oxen: The Neu Guinea Kompagnie tramways of Astrolabe Bay (Papua New Guinea)
- The tramways at Glenloth Government Battery and Cyanide Works (South Australia)
- Wallaroo & Moonta locomotive No.2 (South Australia)
- Letters
80 April 1983:
- The Geelong sewer tram (Victoria)
- A locomotive named Newcastle (New South Wales)
- Quarry tramways at Tarrawingee (New South Wales)
- Tasmanian scenes
- Ocean Island tramways
- Letters
- William Brownlee's 0-4-2ST locomotive with hauling gear (New Zealand)
79 January 1983:
- Trestle bridges and tramways: The timber industry of the Erica district, 1910-50 (Victoria)
- Letters
A special issue in which Mike McCarthy records the history of
timber tramways and mills in the Erica district, including, amongst others,
the Tyers Valley and Thomson Valley tramways.
78 October 1988:
- Victoria sugar mill's first locomotives (Queensland)
- The Sandfly saga - some notes on the Tasmanian locomotives (Tasmania, Victoria)
- The Vancouver-Fiji Sugar Company Ltd (Fiji)
- Pastoral tramways (New South Wales)
- The North Keeling Island Tramway (Cocos Keeling Islands)
- Book reviews
- Letters
77 July 1982:
- Fiji's sugar industry
- Fiji's first sugar tramways
- Sugar on the Rewa (Fiji)
- Labasa mill, 1894-1982 (Fiji)
- Letters
A special issue recording the history of the Australian financed
sugar tramways of Fiji.
76 April 1982:
- The Perth Firewood Supply Company Ltd (Western Australia)
- Locomotive spark nullifier trials (Queensland)
- Titan electric man-transporter (New South Wales)
- Kerr Stuart locomotives in Australia
- Book reviews
- Letters